Featured Products
Valor W44 Universal Kerosene Paraffin Heater Wick with Carrier
Replaces W13 and W33 Valmin Wicks
RCA200 Type F Zibro-Kamin kerosene Paraffin Heater Wick
Wick Type F for RS-122 RS-30, Tectro R223C and more
Ruby 240 270 Foetise H-259 Kerosene Paraffin Heater Wick
Wick 2 for Ruby KSP240, KSP270,KSP300 Foetsie H-259 kerosene / Paraffin heaters. 85mm dia.
Zibro-Kamin RCA86 kerosene Paraffin Heater Wick
Zibro RCA86 Wick Type D
QLIMA Type O, Radiant 40, RCA37A and Omni85Radiant 26 Toyoset Sundowner Paraffin heater Wick
75mm DiameterType K Zibro RCA66, RCA68, R23C and Kero-Sun Radiant 26
UK retailer of quality British made wicks for popular paraffin heaters and lamps
Aladdin, Corona, Kero, Kero-Sun, Qlima, Parasene, Ruby, Tosai, Tayosan, Toyoset, Toyotomi, Valor and Zibro Kerosene Paraffin Heater Wicks
Latest wicks available for the popular Kero 241a, Zibro RC-32 as well as the Corona RX2385 and RX2485 models
Stevenswickshop, Unit 4 Prestwick Business Centre, Ladykirk Business Park, Skye Road, Prestwick. KA9 2TA Scotland