Featured Products
Valor W44 Universal Kerosene Paraffin Heater Wick with Carrier
Replaces W13 and W33 Valmin Wicks
Radiant 26 Toyoset Sundowner Paraffin heater Wick
75mm DiameterType K Zibro RCA66, RCA68, R23C and Kero-Sun Radiant 26
Zibro-Kamin RCA86 kerosene Paraffin Heater Wick
Zibro RCA86 Wick Type D
QLIMA Type O, Radiant 40, RCA37A and Omni85Valor 500 Wick with carrier for 500 series and 65B Boiling Stove
Fits 65B, 525,555,585,10R,500F and Perfection Heaters
UK retailer of quality British made wicks for popular paraffin heaters and lamps
Aladdin, Corona, Kero, Kero-Sun, Qlima, Parasene, Ruby, Tosai, Tayosan, Toyoset, Toyotomi, Valor and Zibro Kerosene Paraffin Heater Wicks
Latest wicks available for the popular Kero 241a, Zibro RC-32 as well as the Corona RX2385 and RX2485 models
Stevenswickshop, Unit 4 Prestwick Business Centre, Ladykirk Business Park, Skye Road, Prestwick. KA9 2TA Scotland